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Peter Michael Anderson Biography
(1931 - )

From The Book "Shearwater Pottery" By Dod Stewart

Michael Anderson At Work

Peter Michael Anderson (Michael) is Peter and Pat Anderson’s eldest son. Born in 1931 he has lived sporadically at Shearwater. Michael worked in Chicago as a taxidermist at the Field Museum and at two optical companies in Ocean Springs. Prior to his retirement from Shearwater in 2005, he was in charge of the Shearwater Annex and figurine production. In this role he supervised casting, glazing, and painting of the pieces produced in the Annex. Michael enjoyed his many years working in the Annex.

Michael has two daughters, Neva Brooke and Patricia Holly, both of whom have worked at the Annex. In 2002 Michael married Miraluna Macapos. Miraluna now works in the Annex.